Jan and Tom Lewis Transform Headache Care at Barrow through Philanthropy
Jan Lewis had been suffering from chronic, and often debilitating, migraine attacks for years. Then, in 2012, she came to Barrow Neurological Institute and met Kerry Knievel, DO. That’s when her life changed for the better.
Thanks to Dr. Knievel’s comprehensive approach to migraine treatment and prevention, Jan is now able to wake up in the morning pain free. She is also able to enjoy traveling, spending time with friends and family, and playing with her grandchildren. “Dr. Knievel has helped significantly reduce the frequency and severity of my attacks and has allowed me to lead a full and happy life,” says Jan.
To honor the impact Barrow made on Jan’s life, and to help others suffering from the same condition, the T.W. Lewis Foundation, founded by Jan and her husband, Tom Lewis, established the Jan and Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment Program at Barrow with a transformational gift. Led by Dr. Knievel, the Program aimed to expand multidisciplinary care options for patients and lead research to pinpoint causes and find improved treatments for migraine and headache disorders.
“The T.W. Lewis Foundation is all about partnering with outstanding organizations that are trying to improve and push the boundaries of their field,” says Tom. “We believe in supporting projects that are going to make a real difference, and that’s exactly what Barrow does— that’s what this migraine program will do for many future headache sufferers in Arizona.”
When the Program was first created, it had a goal of seeing 800 new patients. Every year since then, it has increased its number of new patients by over 20 percent. By the end of 2021, the Program had seen a total of over 5,500 new patients and had enrolled over 175 patients in clinical trials. It also expanded patient care services to include a comprehensive wellness program offering physical therapy and yoga specialized for headache, dietician consultations, and social work.
In 2022, Jan and Tom Lewis committed an additional $3 million in support of headache care at Barrow. In honor of their longstanding partnership with Barrow, the Foundation and Institute have renamed the Jan and Tom Lewis Migraine Treatment Program as the Lewis Headache Center, to reflect a broadening of research and patient care for migraine and headache disorders.
“Our family’s support of headache care at Barrow over the years has helped increase the quality and quantity of patient care. This gift will further that, leading to more patient care options and research to find innovative treatments,” says Jan.
Hope for migraine sufferers
The Lewis Headache Center aims to become a premier destination for comprehensive patient care. This includes expanding its wellness program to provide more individualized and diversified care for patients. The Center also aims to become a renowned leader in headache research, as well as become recognized for opportunities to train with the best headache specialists.
“We are very fortunate to have world-class headache care right here in Phoenix at Barrow,” says Jan. “Our family feels that it is a privilege to continue to support it for the benefit of the community.”
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Lewis Headache Center at Barrow to support innovative research and unsurpassed patient care for migraine and headache disorders. All gifts will be matched by the T.W. Lewis Foundation for double the impact.

Read Jennifer’s story to find out how the program made a difference for her.